MSP Consulting, LLC.
I’ve been fortunate to have worked in the museum community for the past 17+ years. The museum is a vibrant sector that has embraced technology like no other. Museums are using technology as a new way to attract new visitors and once they are there, to engage them. I’ve been at the center of that shift for the past 17+ years. My role has been primarily focused on strategy, design, and management of innovative technology projects and diverse teams.
If you are seeking a consultant to objectively evaluate your museum technology state, I’m here to help.
Services - What do you get?
Strategy (Evaluate and develop a strategy)
Instructional Design
Team management
Software development (Touchscreen, Web, and Mobile)
Project Management (Coordinate with vendors, consultants, and other third parties)
If this echoes what you need, then please reach out to me! Let’s have a quick phone and flesh it out for your organization.